Monday, July 16, 2012

Mustertuch von 1783

I finally managed to work on my SAL Sunday. Here she is as of 7/15/12. I am using the HDF conversion, but changing a few colors as I go- I'm using Mountain Shadow for the first green color in the top alphabet, PB Green for the cross border above it, added BeFuddled, a mystery gold, and the blue "a" at the bottom is BeSmurfed right now...I can't decide which Fagales to use. The "B" is a shade darker while the crown just above it is the shade called for. My fabric is Sassy's Cream Raffia which has a pinkish hue and I don't want the color to be lost on it, so I'll probably go with the darker?
Mustertuch 7_15_12, Uploaded from the Photobucket Android App

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