Sunday, January 13, 2013

My Daily Strand and Window

The Daily Strand is a concept I picked up on the HDF Board a few years ago. The goal is to pick a project and stitch one strand a day until it is done. I actually finished "Eve" using this strategy and made a ton of progress on And They Sinned. I have decided to try it again this year, but to use it with something monochrome to increase the amount I get done. The Mathilde Duforest SAL is the perfect candidate!! This piece is offered as a freebie on Trois Generations Tricotent blog. I am using a custom color from HDF and 38 ct creme Gander over one. So far I have managed a strand every day, sometimes two.

I have been furiously stitching Window from the Sticklounge group. The deadline is February 12, and I have 6 more parts to go. This piece has given me fits due to all the frogging!! Sometimes due to one mis-stitch that can lead to hours of frogging, or just not being happy with my colors. So far there is still some frogging to remove the center yellow and the brighter purple in the center. I have decided to go with Old Maid of the Vineyard for the petals, Primitive Barn Mauve just inside that, and possibly Examplar Pettyfog for the center... that could change tomorrow.

Window-10, Uploaded from the Photobucket Android App

I also need to focus some attention on my RMT and Ring in the New. RMT is huge and so far I have finished 10/24 parts. I am only on the third piece to Ring in the New out of 12. The deadline is March 1st to receive the final parts to both. As soon as March arrives, I will be be able to really work on my Scarlet Letter Year pieces more fully. Right now I can only devote a few hours here and there, but I hope to work on 1640 Spot Motif for a few hours today in order to have an update photo.

1 comment:

  1. You have some very nice WIPs on the go,
