Wednesday, February 14, 2024

2024 Updates

The Napping Hat
28 ct Monaco
Molly Harrison

Rainbow Wind
25 ct lugana
Jodi Watson CG
Joni Solis artist

Do Different
40 ct cafe latte over one
HDF SSF Old Maid of the Sea


Coat of Arms
Wiehenburg Designs
45 ct graziano khaki
HDF SSR Ex Fried Pickles with black
Down to the bottom now!!!

Mustertuch von 1783
32 ct Cream Raffia over one
Various HDF silks



Small Yellow Horses

Odds and Ins Online OOP


Monday, October 02, 2023

2023 Updates

Amulet and Emmeline

Mini Decko


Midnight Orchard 
HDF silk conversion
Farewell to Anger
MC Wild Rose
Rainbow Wind
Jodi Watson CG
Joni Solis artist
Charting Creations

Friday, September 29, 2023

2022 Updates...

La Belle SSMC


Midnight Orchard
HDF Silk conversion  
Rainbow Wind
Jodi Watson CG
Joni Solis artist
Dutch Beauty
50 ct Kingston linen
Various HDF silks  
Coat of Arms
Wiehenburg Designs
45 ct graziano khaki
HDF Ex Fried Pickles with black  

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Letting Go

Friday, May 17, 2013

Wow, it has been a while since my last post!! I have been diligently stitching on many different things. My favorite of the moment is SL Spot Motif Sampler. I have completed the outline along the top of the pattern and am now going backwards filling it in. Such a relaxing stitch over one tented on 40 ct. Having the outlining done makes it much more enjoyable.

Spot Motif 5-13-13 photo SpotMotif5-13-13_zps94745f67.jpg

I have also finished outlining the first panel of my SL Polly Phillip sampler. The colors in this one are so bright and beautiful- what a pleasure to stitch her!

Polly Phillip 5-11-13 photo PollyPhillip5-11-13_zps16792569.jpg

I have also been working on my last few Sticklounge pieces. Unfortunately the group is going to fold at the end of June. I have mixed feelings about this- I can't seem to stop joining in the SALs, but it puts me so behind on everything else. Having deadlines is always a good thing, though, because it helps me have finishes! My much needed UFOs over the years will start to see the light of day after the group is final.

Tulip Praise by Gracewood Stitches. I have completely changed the called for colors and opted for blues and greys. There is still some frogging to do in that top band- I'm changing out the grey (HDF Smoke and Mirrors) for the blue grey color (HDF Dragon Toes).

 photo TulipPraise-5Rebecca_zps64fe9ea3.jpg

This is Herz Yin Yang by Jean Louis Grandsire. It is being stitched with HDF Green Dragon Droppings and Purple Dragon Droppings (both custom colors). I may put and identical heart just below it with the colors opposite. It is over one on 32 ct and quite small for framing, but another heart would be about right.

 photo HerzYY-9Rebecca_zps2343a97f.jpg

I have finally finished my Odds and Ends Sampler from Tam's Creations. This photo is not the best, but I have decided the colors just can't be captured. There are a little over 90 WIPs/UFOs/Finished pieces represented in this piece!!

 photo IMAG1325-1_zps584b8c6c.jpg

Thank you for looking!! I will try to remember to keep up more frequently!!

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Mustertuch von 1783

I have finally completed another page on my Mustertuch. This is pages 1-3 completed- only 9 more to go. I really like this piece. It is over one on 32 ct Raffia Cream by Sassy's Fabbys using the HDF conversion and also some variagateds here and there.

Mustertuch 3-11-13 photo IMAG1123-1_zpsa17c5084.jpg

I hope to continue to devote one week a month to stitching Mustertuch and should be able to make great progress this year if no new starts get me off track.

My Beloved Sticklounge Yahoo Group has decided to close its doors at the end of June. It was such a fun group with many great pieces to stitch along together. Many of the pieces we stitched were freebies from the web (such as the giant RMT and Old European samplers). It wasn't about getting great freebies- I have most of them already. It was about deadlines and actually seeing progress on so many different styles of cross stitch that I wouldn't normally stitch. I am still amazed that the Group Moms (Susanne and Susanne aus LU) were able to run the group as long as they did with so many members and so many projects. It was definitely a labor of love! There is a page of my blog devoted to all my Sticklounge finishes- there are so many! I will definitely miss the group, but I have planned to focus on my HAED stitching and Nicola's Scarlet Letter Year stitching when the group closes in June. I would like to say "Thank You" to the Susannes for letting me participate in their wonderful group since 2010 (even though I don't speak German :))

Sunday, March 03, 2013

Rebecca Cullin Update

Rebecca Cullin 2_27_13 photo IMAG1092-1_zps5df23a7a.jpg

I have been diligently stitching Rebecca Cullin and have finally taken a full photo to show. She is quite large! I have decided to restitch the leaves in the top embroidery, but leave the flowers. I am waiting on an HDF order of the premium (twice the diameter) silks needed, so in the mean time I will put her away. If you look at the leaves under the carnation in the center, you can tell the leaf on the left is regular silk and the leaf on the right is premium. It stands out so much better!

I had the pleasure to see Bethany and her mom's inspiring photobucket pictures on Nicola's Scarlet Letter Year Blog 2. It was so inspiring that I have decided to pull out Polly Phillip. The colors in PP are so bright and happy. The inside panels are over one tent/continental stitch, which I love! I plan to outline the rest of the panel and then start filling it in.

Polly Phillip 1772- 4 photo PollyPhillip4.jpg

Saturday, March 02, 2013

Daily Strand- Mathilde Duforest and February Finish

I managed 44 strands during the month of February on Mathilde Duforest. She is coming along nicely! Here she is at the start of February:

Mathilde Duforest 1-31-13 photo MathildeDuforest1-31-13_zps20141895.jpg

And here she is after February Daily Strand Stitching:

Mathilde Duforest 2-28-13 photo MathildeDuforest2-28-13_zps1b245ef6.jpg

I hope to make Mathilde my March finish.

Petit Sampler Finished 2_27_13 photo IMAG1095-1_zps48f7fcb6.jpg

My finish in February is a piece started in the Sticklounge Group. It is Petit Sampler by Claire Findley, stitched with Waterlilies Kelp on 36 ct Butterscotch Cookie by Sassy's Fabbys over one. This lovely little piece was lost in my "need to finish" drawer for months until I found her a couple of weeks ago and completed her by stitching about 15 minutes every morning before work while my four year old ate breakfast. I have decided this worked out so well that I will be working on RMT this way for a while to see how far along I can get- I consider it my AM Daily Strand piece, while Mathilde Duforest is my PM Daily Strand piece.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Rebecca Cullin, the Good and the Bad

The Good: I have finely been able to pay attention to my beloved SL Rebecca Cullin. I absolutely love this piece. I have been concentrating on the bottom and trying to fill in the massive amount of stitching in the border. After all my recent stem stitching with Ring in the New, I couldn't resist outlining the tree. The trunk will be filled with stem stitch and the branches are supposed to be straight stitch. I have been spending a lot of time on Mary Corbet's site trying to decide which stitch I wanted for the leaves. After rejecting the straight stitch and fly stitch, I decided to go with the fern stitch. I think it makes cute little leaves! I am using HDF Old Maid of the Forest in Premium. The trunk is an old dye lot of OMotF in SSR and darker, so it will make a nice trunk. I am using the chart/ stitched model/ and original Rebecca Cullin to decide how to stitch this cute little tree.

RC Fern Stitch 2-24-13 photo IMAG1075_zpsf394fe76.jpg

The Bad: I began looking closer at the work I have already done at the top of the embroidery... the stem stitching is dreadful!! It seems like such a simple stitch, but if you don't follow the rules, it can get very sloppy. I didn't realize there were rules when I first stitched that part. Thank you Mary Corbet!! Now I really must redo the stem stitch vine. I decided to go with premium there as well. You can see from the photos the beginning (on the left) that is redone is much nicer than the rest... I do not mind to frog the vine because it will be much prettier. I may restitch the leaves as well, but the flowers will stay.

RC Adding Premium 2-24-14 photo IMAG1079_zpsccf431cf.jpg

Look at the lighter green vine in the center connecting the leaves- yes, that is supposed to be stem stitch!! Yuck!! That will get a definite do-over as well, but I have to order more premium floss first.

RC Frogging And Correcting Stem Stitch 2-24-13 photo IMAG1081_zpsf78808f6.jpg

I will take a photo of the entire piece later this week after I have more completed. There are so many threads sticking out here and there that it looks like a real mess!!

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Ring in the New

I have finished three more parts to my Ring in the New from the Sticklounge Group. I have really enjoyed stitching these little pieces because they are great practice for surface embroidery.

RitNew April photo RitN-4AprilRebecca_zps4705ad30.jpg

RitNew May photo RitN-5MayRebecca_zps87076d82.jpg

RitNew June photo RitN-6JuneRebecca_zps5a48569a.jpg

I am currently stitching SL's Rebecca Cullin which has tons of free hand embroidery and I feel much more confident now than I did when I started it. I figure I have almost mastered the stem stitch. I know that sounds silly because it seems so easy, but sometimes mine stem stitch looks great and sometimes awful. Turns out after reviewing Mary Corbet's site, I have been doing it right and wrong at the same time. I just keep telling myself "act like you're stitching left to right, no matter what direction you are going..." We'll see what happens when I get back to the embroidery part on Rebecca Cullin.

Monday, February 11, 2013

RMT up to page 18

I have finally managed to stitch RMT from the Sticklounge Group up to page 18. This piece is over one on 40 ct linen using HDF Rubbed Burgundy. It is such a beautiful piece!

 photo RMT-18Rebecca_zpsad25f529.jpg

I have also completed the March part to Ring in the New. I have major catching up to do since the deadline is March 1!! I think I got bogged down with this piece because I did not love the design, but the next parts are very nice. I would love to complete it because I have already purchased the fabric to make it into a wall hanging.

 photo RitN-3Rebecca_zps3e4e523d.jpg

Tuesday, February 05, 2013

Testing HDF SSFine Ex Fried Pickles with black

Here is a photo of the little bit of test stitching I got to do Sunday over one on 40 ct... Restarting Pauline Schwartz:

Uploaded from the Photobucket Android App

In the far left corner is a regular SS strand of the same color so you can see the difference in thickness. The SSF is half the thickness of SSR and feels like working with a strand of spider silk. It is so delicate. My fingers are dry because I have to wash my hands so much at work, so it definitely snags more than the regular SS (on my fingers, not on the fabric) I recommend the Stitcher's Glove in a Bottle (I think that's what it's called- I get it from my LNS). Of course if your hands are not dry, then it's not a problem :) I can see so many possibilities with this floss... so many large monochromes can be reduced to over one on 40-45-even higher counts!!

Saturday, February 02, 2013

Mathilde Duforest Update

I have stitched Mathilde Duforest everyday for the past month as my Daily Strand project. I have managed at least one strand everyday. Ususally one or two days a week I get to work on her during my lunch break. I am very happy with my progress! I put 54 strands in during January and am about 1/3 complete. It is so fun! It's amazing what how much I have completed with just stitching 15-20 minutes before bed. I really like this little piece. It is stitched over one on 38 creme Gander linen using a custom HDF color 3151/2453/2349.

Mathilde Duforest 1-31-13, Uploaded from the Photobucket Android App

Monday, January 28, 2013

My Framed Tribute to Ackworth

I finally had another piece framed. With the birth of my son 4 years ago, I have really cut down on having pieces framed due to cost. Who new a child could be so expensive? Anyway, I do always have my things framed using the non glare conservation glass- this adds greatly to the price. On a whim a couple of years ago I took a small piece that I liked (but wouldn't have been devastated if it was ruined) to Michael's with my 50% coupon in hand. I was very nervous because of all the horror stories out there. It was Garden Angel by La-d-Da and turned out great!! I chose their "Masterpiece" glass. Absolutely wonderful. The framing was nice and straight, and the glass was divine.

Garden Angel, Uploaded from the Photobucket Android App

So this piece was placed on the wall amid a lot of other pieces with the normal conservation, non-glare glass and just looked "cleaner." I don't know, I thought it was my imagination because it was new. But after two years, it still looks like there is no glass at all- the Materpiece glass is truly wonderful. Unfortunately, they will not cut a piece and sell it, so the only way I can get it is to have something framed completely. Therefore, when it came to framing my Tribute to Ackworth, I held my breath and went back to Michael's. I talked extensively with the lady that framed it about the acid free board, no sticky material at all, no rust pins, etc.... My fabric was a little "wonky" so I was unsure what would happen. It actually turned out great!! The frame is perfect, the Masterpiece glass is exquisite, and with the 60% + $10 off coupon, the cost went from over $300 to $125. I am thrilled with the results!!

Tribute To Ackworth Framed, Uploaded from the Photobucket Android App

Now I have no idea what I will do when "And They Sinned" is ready. I'm still afraid to take it to Michael's, but I am so happy with both pieces they have done. Decisions, decisions....

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Window Update

I am very close to another Sticklounge finish. I have two parts to go, but have moved on to RMT/ABC 1900 for now.

Window-14, Uploaded from the Photobucket Android App

I have almost reached the half way point on RMT, and the deadline is March 1. I don't think I can make it, but it's ok because I had the pattern before the Sticklounge Group started stitching it. I still hope to get very close in the next few weeks.